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Generator Load Bank Testing, what is it and how is it done?

generator preventive maintenance

In this article, we will discuss the importance of Load Bank Testing for an generator and provide a step-by-step guide on how to perform this test. We will also cover the preparation required before starting the test, the procedure for Load Bank Testing, and how to analyze the results obtained in the test. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of Load Bank Testing and its importance in ensuring optimal performance of your generator.

What is Load Bank Testing?

Load Bank Testing is a procedure that is used to evaluate the state of an generator, ensuring that it is in prime condition to work under different types of loads. It is essentially a test run for the generator to ensure all its mechanics, functions and componentry are running as they should be. To do this, a load bank is used to simulate a power load on the generator to examine how it reacts in the event of a power outage.

It is very important to understand that this type of test must be carried out on all types of generators, whether for home, industrial or commercial use. Obviously, the more critical the use of the generator, the more important this type of test becomes.

Why is Load Bank Testing important for a generator?

Load Bank Testing

Load Bank Testing is important because it is the most foolproof way to ensure that your generator can produce the power expected. While generators rarely need to deliver maximum output for sustained periods, it’s important that if that level is ever required, the generator will withstand the pressure. Scheduling regular Load Bank Testing is critical as part of your ongoing generator maintenance program. Without it, you won’t be able to guarantee the optimal performance of the generator when you require emergency or back-up power.

How often is it advisable to carry out a Load Bank Testing on my generator?

According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), generators should be tested at least once a year. During testing, a generator should operate under available load for a minimum of thirty minutes. A successful test is one in which the generator achieves the minimum exhaust gas temperature for monthly testing as indicated by the owner’s manual.

In general, you should conduct no-load testing on a weekly or monthly basis. Load Bank Testing should occur at least quarterly. The process ensures your generators receive regular exercise.

During testing, the generator should operate under available load for at least thirty minutes. A successful test is one in which the generator achieves the minimum exhaust gas temperature for monthly testing as indicated by the owner’s manual or operates at normal temperature while running at no less than 30% of the nameplate Kilowatt rating. If a generator cannot operate until its water and oil pressures have stabilized, it should be tested for less than thirty minutes to avoid prolonging its downtime.

If a generator fails the monthly test, it should be operated under a load supplied by a load bank for two continuous hours each year (load bank testing). During this two-hour period, the unit should be operated as follows:

  • At 25% of the nameplate Kilowatt rating for 30 minutes.
  • At 50% of the nameplate Kilowatt rating for 30 minutes.
  • At 75% of the nameplate Kilowatt rating for 60 minutes.

Load Bank Testing testing can improve a generator’s operating capacity, making it more responsive during a real power outage.

Types of Load Bank Test

Here are the types of Load Bank Test for generators and what each one consists of:

Resistive Load Bank Test: This test applies a resistive load to the generator and is used to test the generator’s ability to handle a heavy load.

Reactive Load Bank Test: This test applies a reactive load to the generator and is used to test the generator’s ability to handle a load with high power factor.

Resistive/Reactive Load Bank Test: This test applies both resistive and reactive loads to the generator and is used to test the generator’s ability to handle a load with both high power factor and high current.

Inductive Load Bank Test: This test applies an inductive load to the generator and is used to test the generator’s ability to handle a load with low power factor.

It’s important to ensure that all safety precautions are taken when performing this type of testing.

Preparation for Load Bank Test

Load Bank Testing

Here are some precautions you should take before Load Bank Testing a generator:

Steps prior to starting the test.

  1. Ensure that the load bank’s emergency stop button is not engaged so that the bank draws power.
  2. Check that the voltage selector matches the generator’s output.
  3. Always test your equipment with an appropriately sized load bank.
  4. Do not apply a load higher than the generator-rated capacity.

It’s important to note that you should always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines when preparing your generator for load bank testing. Additionally, you should ensure that all safety precautions are taken when performing this type of testing.

Procedure for Load Bank Test

  1. Start and run the generator until the water temperature stabilizes. this ensures that the generator is operating at a consistent temperature before testing begins.
  2. Transfer all manual or automatic transfer switches to the emergency source. This step is important because it ensures that the generator is providing power to the correct circuits during testing.
  3. Step load the generator with the load bank until the desired load is reached. This tests the generator’s ability to handle a heavy load.
  4. Remove the load bank load first after the test. This step is important because it ensures that the generator is not overloaded when it is turned off.
  5. Transfer all transfer switches back to the normal position. This ensures that power is restored to its normal source.
  6. Allow the generator to cool down according to manufacturers’ guidelines.

It’s important to note that you should always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines when preparing your generator for load bank testing. Additionally, you should ensure that all safety precautions are taken when performing this type of testing.

Load Bank Test results analysis

Interpreting the results of a generator Load Bank Test is important to ensure that your generator is functioning properly.

Every generator is designed and manufactured to work within a range of values for each of its main variables. These ranges are part of the product specifications. The purpose of the Load Bank Test is to operate the equipment under different load scenarios for which it was manufactured in order to determine if it operates correctly, that is, within its correct operating value ranges specified by the manufacturer.

Here are some steps you can take to interpret the results:

  1. Compare the generator’s output voltage and frequency with the manufacturer’s specifications.
  2. Check the generator’s current output and compare it with the manufacturer’s specifications.
  3. Check the generator’s power factor and compare it with the manufacturer’s specifications.
  4. Check for any signs of overheating or other damage to the generator during testing.

As we have seen in this article, the Load Bank Test is a routine of great importance in the regular maintenance of your generator. These types of tests are delicate because they put your generator to operate at its operational limits and if they are not done by a professional, they can damage your generator. That’s why we always recommend having professional advice to carry it out.

generator maintenance

At Brags & Hayes, we offer all the necessary support to advise you on your generator maintenance.

Contact us at the phone number +1.954.657.7777, or write to us at, and we will gladly help you.

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